Hitz International is please to introduce Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov “Jaydok” to one and all. Jaydok’s background is extensive. He is a Honored Master of the Republic of Kazakhstan as well as a member of that country’s Filmmakers Union and Stuntmen’s Association. He is a Martial Arts Oscar winner in 2013 and is the director of the Nomad Stunts Group. Nomad Stunts action team along with Hitz International member Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov successfully got into Kazakhstan Information and Encyclopedic Handbook Book of Records (Kazakhstan edition of Guiness World Book). Nomad Stunts was noted as the only group that cooperates with leading foreign video studios. On the eve of Independence Day (a national holiday in the Republic of Kazakhstan, celebrated on 16 December) Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov was granted with state award - “Kurmet” medal. The decree on awarding the medal was signed by the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

 Country: Kazakhstan
 Date of Birth: 06.08.1969
 Contact Telephones: +7 701 715 26 44, +7 707 715 26 44
 E-mail: jaydok@mail.ru http:// nomadstunts.com

 Honored Master of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
Member of the Filmmakers Union of Kazakhstan
 Member of the Stuntmen Association of Kazakhstan
Martial Arts Oscar Award (received in 2013)
 Director of the Nomad Stunts Group
 Stunt Coordinator, Stuntman.


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